
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Negative Numbers

Negative numbers

Negative numbers are surprisingly complicated when working in assembler, firstly there is no minus sign inside the registers just 0s and 1s and when is a negative number actually a negative number? 

Well it comes down to context so lets look at some examples.

An 8bit register or memory location can hold numbers from 0 - 255 ($00 - $ff) and these numbers are all positive.

But let’s look at an example:

lda #0
sbc #1

We set a = 0 and subtract 1 from it from it, so a now equals -1 but if you look at the value of a in a debugger you will see its set to $ff or 255! But also the negative is set, so does that mean 0 - 1 = -255?

Well no, when working with signed numbers computer use a system called 2's complement. With 2 complement we can represent numbers from -128 to +127. Bit 7 becomes a sign bit so numbers starting with a 1 are positive and numbers starting with a 0 are positive.

I don't want to go too deeply into this for the time being as its not really that relevant to games development on the platform, but if I get any feed back to suggest that this is a topic worth a deep dive I may reconsider. There is plenty of information on the internet on this subject and I really don't want to repeat what many other people have done already.

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